Tiempo de Entrega
Nivel de Inglés

Aenean in mi ut enim fringilla porta id eget nulla. Nulla rutrum nisl id nisl finibus, et feugiat orci porta. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam facilisis sed felis id condimentum. Curabitur condimentum risus ultrices dignissim vehicula. Sed quis accumsan turpis. Morbi lacinia tincidunt tellus, sed efficitur leo tincidunt nec.

The Ultimate Guide To Sports

Etiam gravida euismod sodales. Vestibulum sed egestas sapien, sit amet iaculis eros. Suspendisse pulvinar, erat sed interdum auctor, eros ligula tempus quam, in congue est nunc et turpis. Nam non nisi sed sem placerat semper. Proin egestas, odio eu semper mattis, enim odio pulvinar leo, ac vestibulum sapien nulla non arcu.

Mauris sed venenatis libero, Pellentesque elementum ante massa, ac ornare augue molestie ut. Suspendisse lacinia tortor sem, at condimentum nulla auctor in. Sed vulputate euismod risus, eget auctor nulla aliquet sed.

Nunc consequat quam tincidunt, mattis purus et, euismod eros. Donec sed lobortis nunc. Donec a pretium ipsum. Curabitur pellentesque neque et dictum interdum. Nam eu faucibus augue, id sagittis magna. Aliquam sodales est dolor, non convallis arcu feugiat a. Curabitur dictum dapibus nisl quis convallis. Morbi nec ex vestibulum, tincidunt sapien a, pretium arcu.

Pellentesque elementum ante massa

  • Suspendisse gravida risus in sapien sollicitudin, quis pulvinar neque congue.
  • Quisque mollis enim nec lacus elementum vulputate.
  • Nullam fermentum turpis a nisl tristique, quis rutrum quam eleifend.
  • Donec placerat orci id lobortis suscipit.
  • Fusce quis massa rutrum, accumsan nibh vitae, hendrerit turpis.
  • Etiam dignissim mauris at orci finibus, quis blandit nisl cursus.





Small Android App with 2,3 screens (Static) With good looking UIt



It includes a medium-sized android app with 5-6 screens with backend APIs.t



Build Advanced android app with unlimited revisions+fully custom functionality+1 month free supportrn

Tiempo de Entrega





Source File
Social Media Kit
High Resolution
Project Upload




Total Orden por $20 Orden por $200 Orden por $500

Agregar Servicios Extras

Additional Revision
Add an additional revision your seller will provide after the delivery.
App Submission
Seller will upload your app to the appropriate app store with a developer account provided by you.rnrn
App Icon
The seller will create an icon for your app.

Preguntas Frecuentes

Nothing! Just message me and we'll discuss and then you can proceed to buy.
I publish for FREE if you buy the Premium pack and you need to send me your Google play console login info. If you'll buy the Basic or Standard gig then I charge 15$ extra for publishing and you need to send me your google play console login, 5 app screenshots & 1 Feature image.
Some clients don't know how this works. So this is important to discuss before ordering so that you understand this clearly and avoid order cancellation.
Yes, I provide 30 days of after-sales support. If there will be any bug or issue in the app then I'll fix that free of cost but if you'll contact after months and years then I'll charge extra for that. If you need any guidance then I can guide you free of cost also.


Small Android App with 2,3 screens (Static) With good looking UIt

  • Source File
  • Social Media Kit
  • High Resolution
  • Project Upload


It includes a medium-sized android app with 5-6 screens with backend APIs.t

  • Source File
  • Social Media Kit
  • High Resolution
  • Project Upload


Build Advanced android app with unlimited revisions+fully custom functionality+1 month free supportrn

  • Source File
  • Social Media Kit
  • High Resolution
  • Project Upload
  • Tiempo de Entrega:
  • Categoría:Negocios
  • Nivel de Inglés:Intermedio
  • Ubicación:Sindh

Acerca del Vendedor

Fredy Sandoval

  • badge
  • Gender:Male
  • Tarifa por hora: $25
  • Ubicación:La Unión
  • Lenguajes:English
  • Nivel de Inglés:Intermedio


Servicios Sugeridos

Img Img Img Img
Fredy Sandoval
Entrega: Indefinido

I will design professional business logo with copyrig..

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Img Img Img Img
Fredy Sandoval
Entrega: Indefinido

I will create a logo design for modern brands

  • Diseño Gráfico


Img Img Img Img
Fredy Sandoval
Entrega: Indefinido

I will be your community manager in english or spanish

  • Tarjetas de Presentación


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Creare un video corto promocional para Instagram TikT..

  • Anuncios cortos en Video


Img Img Img Img
Fredy Sandoval
Entrega: Indefinido

Puedo Traducir de Inglés a Español

  • Redacción y Traducción
